Best in Row - Dallas to MO

BEST IN ROW - From Dallas to MO

As you may now, every time I fly, I set an intention to make friends with my row-mate and together we become BEST IN ROW!

The middle seat next to me was open on my Southwest Airlines from one of my most favorite days EVER to St. Louis where I am speaking on Monday.

I looked up and saw a woman boarding scanning the plane for a seat. I offered here the one next to me.

Meet Lori!

Lori is not on social media, but I am going to brag on her and ask for all your positive intentions for this lovely human being.

This B.I.R. was on her way to visit her best friend. Lori is a middle school teacher in the El Paso area. I shared about Cynt Marshall's message about the importance of education and having all the teacher stand up at the Women Empowered Conference.

Lori teaches 6-8th grade. We talked about her love for what she does, her love for the kids and how as adults they come back to visit her to share about their lives. We talked about the challenges of middle-school-aged kids and social media. We also talked about her experience of teaching during the pandemic.

We obviously talked about our quirks and weirdness, mine - peanut butter on Chinese food, hers, dunking one piece piece of cereal at a time in milk.

Lori has a passion for travel and one of the most remarkable things she shared is every year she takes a group of kids on a trip to a different country. She has taken a group to Paris and Spain and this year, she is taking them to Japan! Incredible! Right?

We shared pictures of our dogs, and I showed her some of my art.

One of the last things Lori shared with me is that last week, she received a call at school letting her know her house was on fire but thankfully her 2 dogs and fiancé were not home.

Lori and I both agree that things don’t matter, people do, our loved ones including our fur babies matter the most.

Blessings to you Lori. May you rest and relax with your best friend, continue using your beautiful gifts and talents to light the way for your students, may you find a beautiful new home and have a safe and incredible trip to Japan.

Belonging starts with HELLO ❤️ Thank you for being my BEST IN ROW

Wonder who I will meet on my flights today?


Who me?
