Boots, Bullshould™ and another Best in Row

Boots, BULLSHOULD™ and Another BEST IN ROW!
(Technically across the row) 

Last week, hot off the heels of my new speaker uniform boots (seen below),

I flew home from AZ to Philly

But not without meeting another BEST IN ROW

If you are cringing at the thought of speaking to a stranger on a plane, sorry, not sorry!

This Best in Row noticed my distress when the fasten seatbelt signs were turned accompanied by flight attendants scurrying to put their carts away only seconds after the pilot announced that it would be a smooth flight. It was a bit confusing and triggered a wee bit of aviophobia which was quickly abated by a very compelling conversation.

My new Best in Row explained that it was the “hot pockets” that caused the bumps and a 3-hour conversation ensued.  We talked about his family, shared our top favorite rock bands, he shared some great places to visit near my new city, we talked about our athletic injuries, children, health, mindfulness and our drive to continue to play hard, we talked about our jobs, my speaking

and then we talked about BULLSHOULD™.

BULLSHOULD™ is my new keynote and forthcoming workbook.  BULLSHOULD™ are the arbitrary shoulds and shouldn’ts that impact growth, creativity and innovation.

My new BEST in ROW, who wishes to be anonymous, has been a “turn around” CEO.  He’s the guy you bring on when to fix stuff for companies in distress, make them profitable and bring relief and happiness to the company and stakeholders.

He related to my concept and shared some of his own BULLSHOULD™ about a time he was brought in to fix a company and immediately began using all his trusty tools but

Nothing was working! He failed.  

Holy EGO Blow!

You see, when we bring our bag of BULLSHOULD™ that tells us how things should and shouldn’t be and what we should and shouldn’t do from past experience, without taking a beat to be present and curious to really see and learn about what’s really going on, we are wearing BULLSHOULD™ blinders made of ego and while sometimes, we get lucky, looking through our own myopic blinders can cause us to fail at being BOLD, different and innovative as well as discerning. And the desired outcome now becomes a disaster.

Thank you to my Best in Row for sharing his humbling leadership story.

Can’t wait to pack my boots for Chicago and AZ this month to share more BULLSHOULD™ and meet another BEST in ROW


Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!


Belonging begins with “Hello”