Best in Planes, Trains & Automobiles

Buckle up for another BEST IN ROW!

This one could have been called BEST IN PLANES TRAINS & AUTOMOBILES! 
(Youngapedia – that was the name of comedy movie from back in the day. Ask your mom)

It started out with my wonderful Uber driver, Daniel from Nigeria who feigned groaning noises while lifting my suitcase into his vehicle. 

What I lack in overthinking, I make up for in overpacking. 

We had a wonderful conversation about travel, creativity, connection, healthy lifestyle and more.

After our short 20-minute ride to the airport, he feigned groaning noises again as he removed my over packed suitcase from his vehicle, and we hugged goodbye.

After making a few friends at TSA & Jamba Juice, I am sitting in my aisle seat filled with excitement and anticipation when suddenly my face is smashed by one of those neck pillows and I nearly lose my eyelash extensions as my row mate, a young woman (yes, I later asked her how she identifies) decides to go to her window seat without giving me the chance to stand up and let her in the row.

“Maybe you could have waited until I got up.” I said while checking my eyelashes.

“I am so sorry! I thought I had more room.”

“That’s okay let’s start over. I saw you sketching at the gate.”

And that is how it started. We shared our art, talked about shading techniques & our neighborhoods. Mafe is from Columbia. She’s working as an Au Pair for a family in Philly. Mafe has never been to Chicago and hasn’t flown very often.

Well, could it get any better. Yes, yes it could and did!

Here comes our Best In Row Middle Seat Mate, Eleanore!

Eleanore is Philippines, she’s close to my age & mother of 3 adults who are thriving. She was traveling to Chicago to visit her son. Eleanore was a stay-at-home mom from a family of 6 siblings. We talked about her children, Austin TX where her siblings live, family reunions and travel.

We kept checking on Mafa who was a bit trepidatious about the turbulence, but she sketched away with occasional peaks out the window, quickly opening and closing the shade.

By the end of the flight, the three of us exchanged phone numbers and hugs.

But wait! 

As I entered the turn-style for the train, I ran into Mafa again. As soon as we got on, we ended up sitting next to Chris, a guy from our flight (yes I asked how he identifies) and happened to witness the whole neck pillow to the face situation. Chris just moved to Chicago & has a 1st date tonight at a dog park! Good luck Chris. 

As I was sharing why I was in Chicago, someone on the train sitting behind Chris, chimed in & said she was part of the 
United Airlines event where I am speaking today.

Chris and Mafe departed the train & my new friend Tammy and I talked about travel, cities & our favorite bands.

What if you set an intention to have a 
BEST in _______

and align your behaviors & actions to this intention

What’s the BEST that can happen?


From a slogan to the human being


Wheels Up! Heels On!